
All classes at Holy Spirit School have regular lessons in Library. During this time the students are given the opportunity to borrow and return books, engage in literacy based learning experiences and are given opportunities to develop a love of reading.

The library is open Monday - Thursday at lunch from 1.40pm – 2.05pm.

During this time, children can spend some quiet time reading, drawing, playing chess or other board games.

Parents are always welcome to drop in and see our beautiful library space, check out the books and resources, or lend a helping hand.

Library Borrowing

Please follow these helpful hints to keep our library books in a condition that allows others to enjoy them.

  • Always bring a library bag to transport your books to and from school
  • Keep your books in a safe place at home, away from pets, food and drink.
  • If a book is damaged, please return it to the library so it can be repaired using the proper equipment.
  • If a book is misplaced or lost please contact the Teacher Librarians. A fee will need to be paid to replace any lost items.