School Prayer & Song

School Prayer

Holy Spirit, my Friend and Teacher,

Be with me today.

Help me to know that I am loved by Jesus

And that I can love like Jesus.

Guided by this love,

Help me to show love for others in the choices I make.

Unite our hearts, hands and minds as we grow, learn and celebrate life together.

One community!

In God’s love.


The Journey (Holy Spirit School Song)


We’re on a journey, so take my hand

We’ll grow together on Ngunnawal land

Because we live in the presence of the Spirit every day

And as Holy Spirit’s children, we will always know the way.


We come to this place to learn through the day

That Jesus and our teachers will show us the way

To celebrate challenges, to conquer our fears

And grow strong together,

Throughout coming years



So while on the journey, if we try to be kind

Jesus will help and friendship we will find

So as Kelleway kids we must all learn to care

For this land and community,

In which we all share.